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Why Taking Business Classes Can Help You Be a Better Attorney

By Jeffrey M. Kimmel.

Embarking on a career as an attorney will take you on a journey through the intricacies of the legal system. However, what often surprises many aspiring attorneys is the exposure they get to the business world. Whether you're representing corporate giants, helping a client navigate a difficult personal injury claim, or representing a client in a contested divorce case, the combination of legal and business expertise can be a powerful asset in your professional toolkit. Discover how business classes can revolutionize an attorney’s professional value and mold them into a sought-after individual within their legal field.

Understanding the Business Side of Law

Attorneys must prioritize understanding the business side of law due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, legal matters are significantly intertwined with business transactions and operations. In the corporate world, attorneys representing clients must comprehend contract law, corporate governance, and financial regulations. Failing to grasp these business-related legal aspects hinders the ability to provide sound advice, negotiate effectively, or craft strategies that align with clients' commercial objectives. It is imperative that attorneys swiftly acquire the necessary knowledge to excel in their profession.

Businesses are not only focused on compliance but also on profitability. Clients frequently seek legal counsel to ensure adherence to the law while maximizing financial interests. Attorneys with a profound understanding of financial principles like accounting, taxation, and risk assessment play a pivotal role in guiding clients through the legal landscape with a sharp focus on the bottom line.

In an era of heightened scrutiny on corporate ethics and social responsibility, attorneys often carry the weighty responsibility of advising clients not only on legal compliance but also on ethical integrity. This necessitates a deep comprehension of business ethics and the ability to seamlessly integrate ethical considerations into legal counsel and decision-making. Mastering the intersection of law and business is imperative for attorneys. It is a crucial skill to navigate this complex terrain, enabling them to be trusted advisors who interpret the law and comprehend its profound impact on clients' businesses.

Enhancing Your Communication Skills

Improving your communication skills as an attorney is vital for cultivating robust client relationships, delivering persuasive courtroom arguments, and achieving favorable negotiation outcomes. Discover effective classes that can help enhance your communication proficiency in the legal profession:

  • Media and Public Relations: Covers strategies for managing communication with the media and the public, including crisis communication and public image management.

  • Business Etiquette and Professionalism: Focuses on the nuances of professional behavior and etiquette in various business contexts.

  • Digital Communication and Social Media: Covers best practices for professional communication in the digital age, including social media, online reputation management, and email etiquette.

  • Public Speaking and Presentation Skills: Teaches techniques for delivering engaging and persuasive presentations, whether in front of clients, colleagues, or large audiences.

  • Professional Writing: Focuses on improving written communication skills, including writing clear and persuasive business documents, reports, and emails.

  • Cross-Cultural Communication: Explores communication across different cultures and helps individuals navigate global business interactions with cultural sensitivity.

  • Listening and Empathy in Business: Explores the power of active listening and empathy in understanding and responding to the needs of clients, colleagues, and employees.

  • Crisis Communication: Focuses on communication strategies during challenging situations, such as crises or reputation management, to maintain trust and transparency.

Effective communication is crucial for your professional success as an attorney. Remember that it is an ongoing area of development. Regularly assess your strengths and weaknesses, and commit to continuous improvement. By doing so, you will benefit both your clients and your career.

Utilizing Business Acumen Skills

Business acumen, or a deep understanding of business and commercial matters, can greatly benefit attorneys. Business education equips attorneys with a comprehensive view of business transactions and disputes, enabling them to discern hidden risks and opportunities. This broader perspective empowers them to serve as invaluable advisors, surpassing mere legal expertise.

Attorneys with strong business acumen skills possess a unique capability to approach legal matters holistically, taking into account the commercial implications of their decisions. By negotiating contracts, advising on business transactions, and assessing risks, they can proactively identify potential opportunities and avoid pitfalls. This expertise enables clients to make informed decisions that directly impact their long-term business success. When attorneys have commercial acumen, it elevates them to the role of trusted advisors and fosters client loyalty that ensures optimal legal outcomes.

Collaborating with Other Professionals

Attorneys can greatly benefit from business classes, which enable effective collaboration with other professionals. By providing a broader perspective on the business world and the language of business, these classes are essential for staying ahead. Here are some compelling reasons why attorneys should consider taking business classes:

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Businesses often require collaboration between legal experts, finance professionals, marketers, and more. Understanding the fundamentals of various business disciplines can help you collaborate effectively in cross-functional teams.

  • Risk Management: Businesses are constantly evaluating and managing risks. Business courses can help you appreciate the risk assessment and management processes, which is beneficial when dealing with risk-related legal matters.

  • Project Management: Collaborative projects are common in the legal profession. Knowledge of project management principles can help you plan, execute, and complete collaborative legal projects efficiently.

  • Networking Opportunities: Business classes can provide opportunities to network with professionals from various industries. These connections can lead to collaboration and referrals, expanding your legal practice.

  • Analytical Skills: Business courses can enhance your analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which are valuable when working with professionals from different fields to resolve complex issues.

To optimize your legal expertise and better serve your clients, it is imperative to identify the specific business classes that align with your area of legal specialization and the industries you engage with. Seek valuable insights from mentors, colleagues, and industry associations to determine the most pertinent business subjects relevant to your legal practice. By incorporating business knowledge into your legal expertise, you will not only become a well-rounded attorney but also cultivate vital collaborative skills with professionals in the business realm.

Understanding Your Clients' Needs

Enrolling in business classes can greatly enhance attorneys' ability to comprehend clients' needs. For instance, Conflict Resolution, Nonverbal Communication, and Rhetoric and Persuasion classes can equip family law attorneys to adeptly navigate non-verbal cues, devise resolution strategies, and communicate persuasively during a contested divorce. By doing so, attorneys can help their clients avoid prolonged court proceedings and achieve faster resolutions through mediation. Irrespective of their legal specialization, attorneys stand to benefit greatly from business classes that provide strategic planning and management principles. These principles align legal counsel with clients' long-term goals, empowering attorneys to deliver legally sound solutions that precisely cater to clients' unique needs and objectives.

A Background in Business Can Increase Your Value

By now you’ve hopefully gained a better understanding of how business classes or even an MBA degree can be the best investment for your legal career. With a background in business, you can acquire skills and knowledge that can significantly increase your value as an attorney. If you’ve ever considered taking your legal career to the next level, you should strongly consider applying for some business classes. Thanks to the advancements in technology, you can now take these classes online from the comfort of your home or your office and can typically work them around your schedule. Although business classes may require more effort and time in the beginning, that personal investment can yield significant rewards throughout your career.


About the Author Jeffrey M. Kimmel is the Managing Partner and CEO of Salenger, Sack, Kimmel, and Bavaro LLP, one of the most progressive personal injury law firms in the state of New York. Mr. Kimmel is a business leader and a true agent of change in the legal field. Jeffrey has used his extensive background to cultivate a dynamic law firm known for being a client-oriented business that supports and promotes lawyer development, firm efficiency, staffing diversity, and community outreach programs. Along with running a successful law firm, Mr. Kimmel is also the author of the top-rated book "What Lawyers Don't Know: How to Run a Business and Start Loving Life." Jeffrey is also an expert legal source for top media outlets such as CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS. #JeffreyKimmel #legal #career #businessoflaw

1 Comment

Masker Yulia
Masker Yulia
Nov 28, 2023

With better knowledge at my disposal, even in the event that I lose certain interpersonal encounters puppet hockey

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