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Study on the use of innovative technologies in the justice field

In the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI), the EU recognises the need to step up actions aiming to build an ecosystem of excellence supporting the development and acceptance of AI across the EU economy and public administration.

The e-Justice Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2023 identify as priority areas the use of AI and blockchain/DLT in the justice field. In this context, the present study explores the existing policies and strategies at European and national level, as well as the state-of-play of the use of innovative technologies in justice. Following comprehensive consultations, the study identified 130 projects that use innovative technologies - 93 projects of Member State authorities and the judiciary, 8 – of legal professional organisations and 29 - of ICT companies based on their products and services.

The study identified 8 categories of business problems that the projects aim to solve and mapped these problems to 8 business solution categories. Completed or ongoing projects, which ‘exceed’ and ‘meet’ the stakeholders’ expectations, are suggested for exchange of good practices. In conclusion, the study suggests horizontal actions as a way forward: (a) Coordination at EU level of the efforts and activities; (b) Collaboration and experience sharing; (c) Strengthening existing partnerships and networks; and (d) Supporting mechanism for legal professional organisations.

Download the White Paper (for other languages click here)


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