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New issue of Legal I&T Today is now available

In this issue:

Looking ahead and beyond - 27 Industry Experts

What can we expect of the near future? It’s a question that keeps many of us busy as we try to plan for the months and years ahead. The current pandemic makes it more difficult to predict where we are going. That’s why we asked many, many industry experts about their opinion: what to expect this year and beyond? We grouped the answers per topic, nine in total:

Practice Management Systems

Document Management Systems

Legaltech Events

Knowledge Management

No-Code Systems


Online Collaboration

Legaltech Education

CRM Systems

How to increase technology adoption by lawyers? - Patrick DiDomenico

In the world of law firm innovation and technology, user adoption is arguably the most important focus and the thing that often receives the least attention. Those who fail to prioritize efforts to assure user adoption are bound to fail in deploying potentially useful tools. Patrick provides a few pointers for increasing the adoption of technology tools in your law firm or legal department.

Late adopters may be left in the wake as their peers embrace the cloud - Paul Walker

Whatever the size of your firm, your CIO and GC, among others, are likely preoccupied with the topic of migrating to the cloud – unless you have already made the transition. Someone in your organization who recognizes that virtually any area of business can now be conducted with greater efficiency, easier collaboration, and more advanced protection, in the cloud, is actively promoting the move. They fear that a “wait and see” approach may already be perceived by clients and prospective recruits as a stubborn refusal to read the writing on the wall.

IT Refresh? Here are some considerations - Jon Wainwright

It’s not surprising that most firms are now actively pursuing an all-out, cloud-first IT strategy. Whilst firms had already had a taste of cloud technology, pre-pandemic – Office 365 is one example – the benefits the technology has offered to businesses over the last two years are irrefutable.


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