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Live Legal Well Magazine - issue #1, 2024

Exploring Mental Health & Well-Being In the Legal Profession

Table of Contents

  • Letter from The Editor in Chief. Mark Yacano

  • Visualization: A Science-Based Tool for Replacing Worry with Resiliency. Jarrett Green and Rebecca Simon Green

  • Living with ADHD and Tips for Lawyers. Mark Yacano speaks with Annie Little

  • Willpower: The Unsung Hero in the Legal Profession. Marco Imperiale

  • Lawyer like an Athlete to Boost Performance and Optimize Well-being. Emily Heird

  • Does Your Firm Have a Workforce Mental Health Problem? If So, How Can It Be Fixed? Manu Kanwar and Stuart Woollard

  • Community Post (published on the website): A (Law) Firm Foundation: How Addressing Mental Health in Law Offices Leads to Corporate Success. Elizabeth C. Ortega & Fernando Garcia

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