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Lawtomatic Newsletter Issue, #101

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

By Gabe Teninbaum

My name is Gabe Teninbaum (on Twitter at@GTeninbaum). You probably subscribed to this newsletter so long ago that you forgot what it is and who I am. Well, I've been on sabbatical since December, writing a *terrific* how-to book on productizing legal services (more on that someday soon). I'm back now and ready to resume the newsletter. I've been on a digital cleanse since Thanksgiving 2019 and this is actually the first time I'm turning on any electronic device since then.Did I miss anything?

By way of renewed introduction, I'm a professor, as well as the newly minted Assistant Dean for Innovation, Strategic Initiatives, & Distance Education, atSuffolk Lawin Boston. I'm also a Visiting Fellow at Yale Law School's Information Society Project.  My work focuses on legal innovation, technology, and the changing business of law. Every day, I digest tons of content on these topics. The goal of this newsletter is to curate the most interesting, valuable, and thought-provoking of these ideas and share them with you.  

If you like reading it, pleasesubscribe. You're also invited to forward this to others who you think would benefit. Likewise, pleaseemail mewith feedback, ideas, and tips so I can deliver what's most valuable to you.


The Appetizer: Sponsors

The Main Course: 5 Things That Made Me Think This Week​

  • IKEA Archive: I mostly go to Ikea to buy the delicious foods sold in toothpaste tubes from their small speciality food shop hidden among all the flat boxes. I also happen to collect their catalogs.  I've got a stack with every one from 2007 to present (missing 2008 and 2012 - if you have a spare, please send it to me).  Now, I can save a tree - and you can too. The IKEA Museum has posted every IKEA catalog since 1950.  They're really worth a look.

*** If you enjoy this newsletter and know others who might also like it, please forward it to them.  It's free to subscribe, so the more, the merrier.


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