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Know Your Rights With Regard to Motor Vehicle Accidents

Greensburg is a city in Pennsylvania with a population of 14,976. An accident is an unfortunate event in everybody’s life, and no one wants to be part of it. However, accidents occur, and you might get injured unexpectedly. Accidents are rising in the US, and Pennsylvania recorded 104,475 traffic crashes in 2020. The impact of an accident can be severe, and you might suffer from memory loss or an inability to think properly for a few days.

If you are involved in a car or vehicle accident by a third party, you have certain rights that are not negotiable. Consult a personal injury lawyer Greensburg if you are confused about your rights or the right course of action after an accident.

As per 2020 accident data, Pennsylvania had around 286 crashes daily. Pennsylvania follows the “modified comparative negligence rule.” It means your compensation gets reduced by the percentage of your fault in the accident. Hence, you need to consult a lawyer in Greensburg to know your rights after accidents.

Here is a list of rights you have after encountering a motor vehicle accident.

Right To Compensation and Damages to Property

You have the right to pursue a claim for personal injuries and property damages against an individual or group of people who have caused the accident. During the trial, the judge decides the share of fault of each person injured or affected by accident and then selects the compensation.

People who have caused the accident are more likely to hire a lawyer to prove the other party was at fault. Hence, you need to hire a personal injury lawyer in Greensburg to present your side and get maximum compensation.

Right to Contact the Police

As per recent accident data, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, recorded three fatal crashes in 2015 and one fatal crash in 2016, 2018, and 2019. If you are part of a motor vehicle accident, you have the right to inform the police about the accident and contact a personal injury lawyer immediately.

It would be best to wait for the police to arrive at the accident spot but avoid giving statements without consulting a lawyer. Many people are shocked after an accident and comment against them by opposite parties when they claim compensation and damages.

Right to Click Pictures

You have the right to click pictures to document the accident. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident but not seriously injured, you should try clicking photos of the vehicles, the surroundings, and the people involved in the accident. Today, every smartphone comes with a high-definition camera, and you should click as many pictures as possible to document the accident.

Your lawyer can use the photos you click to prove the opposition party was at fault and appeal the court to award maximum personal injury and damages compensation to you.

Right to Medical Attention

You have the right to seek medical assistance. If you are seriously injured in the accident, you should call 911 for medical assistance. Accident injuries need prompt treatment to help the patient in fast recovery. Though minor injuries may heal faster with time, some silent injuries need expert medical intervention and treatment. If the medical treatment is delayed, it could lead to a severe health problem that will require a long recovery time.

Right to Talk to a Witness

You have the right to talk to witnesses and collect their contact information so that witnesses can be called to describe the accident when you file a personal injury claim in court.

So, these are rights you have after you get into a motor vehicle accident. Make sure you have a personal injury lawyer by your side to guide you through all legal processes that come after an accident.


Photo: Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

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