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Decoding values in everyday choices

By Eve Vlemincx.

The belief that change can solely originate from within is a deeply ingrained notion. While advocating the principle We often discuss the expectations from managers and leaders, yet being an employee/associate is more than just 'receiving.'

Healthy work relationships necessitate a balanced interaction between both parties.

“Dismissing red flags is choosing to ignore the whispers of caution that could save us from the storm ahead.”

The subtlety of an employee's choices often reveals much about their values and character.

Consider a scenario where an employee is granted autonomy to select a professional cellphone. Seizing this opportunity, opting for the most exclusive and expensive model available. Upon presenting the invoice at the office, the manages is stunned, the phone is that expensive that equals an entire month's net income…

Situations like these might appear benign to some. After all, it's not like robbing. It's easy to brush it off as insignificant, deeming it merely just a cellphone purchase…

People who've overseen teams likely recall individuals constantly pushing boundaries, seeking opportunities for self-gain.

Behaviors and actions stem from ingrained values and personalities. As a result, actions like these provide a profound insight into an individual’s ethos and motivations.

'People tell us who we are, if only we are willing to listen.'

A quote that resonates deeply in these scenarios.

Beyond mere financial considerations, these actions echo the values and mindset steering a person’s behavior.

Granting autonomy necessitates trust, a cornerstone of a healthy organizational culture. However, when such liberties are exploited, it clashes with the essential foundation of trust. These incidents unveil the intricate interplay of trust and integrity within professional relationships.

They blur the distinction between self-care, crucial for personal well-being, and self-interest, which prioritizes individual gains over the company's best interests, thereby undermining reliability and trust.

The distinction between opportunism and prudent decision-making becomes critical. Each instance where privileges are being pushed reveals the ethical landscape defining an individual's character, priorities, and moral compass.

It's not solely about financial implications; it's about what their behavior communicates about their values and priorities. It unveils an ethical map—a narrative detailing an individual's character, priorities, and ethical bearings. It reflects their values and conduct.

In the tapestry of professional connections, these seemingly minor incidents emerge as revealing chapters. They provide insightful glimpses into an employee's mindset, values, and their approach to entrusted autonomy.

They tell a story that extends far beyond financial realms, portraying integrity, trustworthiness, and how individuals navigate the opportunities they are presented with.

Exploited liberties serve as a telltale sign to proceed with caution. Behavior is the unspoken language of values, a lexicon where the choices we make articulate the essence of who we are and how we navigate when given the opportunity.


About the Author Eve Vlemincx is a strategic advisor with expertise in a wide array of areas including legal digital transformation, innovation and leadership. She serves as an advisory council member for Harvard Business Review and is a Course Facilitator at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Eve is highly sought after as a keynote speaker and guest lecturer in various professional settings. Notably, she has been honored as a five-time recipient of the Stanford GSB LEAD Award.

Operating at the dynamic intersection of legal and business, Eve holds certifications from esteemed institutions such as Oxford, Harvard, Kellogg and Stanford Graduate School of Business. Additionally, she brings substantial experience as a seasoned lawyer specializing in corporate law and restructurings.

Eve's guiding philosophy is centered on working smarter, not harder, as she helps individuals and organizations navigate the complexities of today's rapidly evolving landscape.


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