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Your Weekly Lawtomatic Digest

The Appetizer: Sponsors

The Main Course: 5 Things That Made Me Think This Week

  • Clio Legal Trends Report: this report is a must-read for me, and is a terrific service to those thinking about what's next in law. The 2019 installment has info on average billable hour rates, what clients look for when hiring lawyers, and factors associated with law firms' growth.

  • Rethinking a 100 year old model: Tim Mohan, CEO of Chapman & Cutler (a 240-lawyer firm in the AmLaw 200), describes how the Big Law model can and should change to reflect modern market conditions and client needs.

  • Israeli Law Prof. Estimates 75% of Disputes Will be Handled Online within 10 years: it would be a pretty staggering change to the status quo Prof. Orna Rabinovich-Einy's prediction proves true, but it's worth noodling on the impact it would have, and how one might plan for it.

  • The Purposes of Court Technology: a primer on how, when, and why courts should use tech, put out by the National Center for State Courts.

  • Big 4 Set Their Sites on Law: the Financial Times reports that accounting firms are now going head-to-head with traditional law firms in the UK. Can you hear them knocking, US firms?

  • It Breaks Your Heart. It is Designed to Break Your Heart. One way or another, baseball season ends tonight. My favorite thing written about baseball is this 1977 essay by the late Bart Giammati. Giammati was a true Renaissance Man (as literally as can be said for someone who lived in the 20th Century. He was a professor of Renaissance literature, then president of Yale, then commissioner of Major League Baseball), and his essay on the end of baseball season is one of my favorite pieces of writing. Even if you don't follow baseball or care about the game, read it. It's that good.


About Gabe Teninbaum

Gabe Teninbaum (@GTeninbaum) is a professor at Suffolk Law (with additional affiliations at Yale, Harvard, and MIT) focusing on legal innovation, technology, and the changing business of law. Every day, he digest tons of content on these topics. The goal of Lawtomatic, his newsletter, is to curate the most interesting, valuable, and thought-provoking of these ideas.

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