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The Global Legal Hackathon has announced the 2019 GROWL mentor panel, consisting of a global network of senior women leaders from around the world. GROWL mentors will be providing GLH2019 participants with an unprecedented global network of mentors, tools and resources to accelerate and amplify their efforts to evolve and improve the world’s legal industry.

The Global Legal Hackathon 2019 has announced the GROWL mentor panel, consisting of senior leaders in the legal industry from around the world, who will offer their expertise to participants during the hackathon this upcoming weekend, February 22-24.

With the goal to support up-and-coming women leaders in legal innovation world-wide, the GROWL initiative brought together a group of legal experts from around the world who will provide guidance during the hackathon. Teams at the event will have the opportunity to reach out to the over 75 women serving as GROWL mentors for advice as they are working to solve an issue the legal industry is facing. To see the complete list of women serving as GROWL mentors at GLH2019 visit here, where you can find every global mentor, as well as their area of expertise.

The GROWL initiative will be fully integrated with this year’s hackathon, with mentors offering their support live, at various host locations around the globe, or remotely by phone. With some of the most experienced women in the legal world, the GROWL mentor panel will offer a wide variety of resources for women aspiring to change the legal industry for the better.

The GROWL mentor panel consists of women from six continents, with years of experience in the legal industry. The senior women serving as GROWL mentors have expertise spanning every aspect of the legal world, providing participants with all the support they may need as they work to create innovative solutions to difficult legal problems.

In a traditionally male-dominated legal industry, the GROWL initiative aims to offer crucial support for young women aspiring to make a difference during the hackathon. With GROWL being fully integrated in the Global Legal Hackathon 2019, women-led teams and participants in general will have the opportunity to reach out to leaders who have been in the industry for years, who can provide advice and inspiration, enabling them to achieve their goals during the hackathon.


About GROWL:

As part of the 2019 Global Legal Hackathon, we are launching the Global Rise Of Women in LegalTech (“GROWL”) initiative to support up-and-coming women leaders in legal innovation around the world. GROWL will be fully integrated with this year’s hackathon, providing an enhanced track for participants.

A globally-located panel of senior women leaders in the legal industry drawn from the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa, will support the women-led teams participating in #GLH2019. Participants will have an unprecedented global network of mentors, tools and resources to accelerate and amplify their efforts to evolve and improve the world’s legal industry.

About the Global Legal Hackathon 2019:

The Global Legal Hackathon is a non-profit organization that was founded to accelerate and amplify innovation in the legal industry. The annual hackathon is a global experiential learning laboratory for innovators and visionaries within law firms, corporate legal departments, legal technology companies, universities, governments and service providers. It brings together the best thinkers, doers and practitioners in law in support of a unified vision: rapid development of solutions to improve the legal industry, worldwide.

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